Library hz

Generalities on the type of integers and integer arithmetic. Vladimir Voevodsky . Aug. - Sep. 2011.

In this file we introduce the type hz of integers defined as the quotient set of dirprod nat nat by the standard equivalence relation and develop the main notions of the integer arithmetic using this definition .



Add Rec LoadPath "../Generalities".
Add Rec LoadPath "../hlevel1".
Add Rec LoadPath "../hlevel2".

Unset Automatic Introduction.
This line has to be removed for the file to compile with Coq8.2


Require Export hnat .


Definition booleq { X : UU } ( is : isdeceq X ) ( x x' : X ) : bool .
Proof . intros . destruct ( is x x' ) . apply true . apply false . Defined .

The abelian group hz of integres

General definitions

Definition abgrhz : abgr := abgrfrac addabmonoidnat .
Definition hz : hSet := pr21 ( pr21 abgrhz ) .
Definition natnattohz : nat -> nat -> hz := prabgrfrac addabmonoidnat .

Definition hzplus : hz -> hz -> hz := @op abgrhz.
Definition hzsign : hz -> hz := grinv abgrhz .
Definition hzminus : hz -> hz -> hz := fun x y => hzplus x ( hzsign y ) .
Definition hzzero : hz := unel abgrhz .

Bind Scope hz_scope with hz .
Notation " x + y " := ( hzplus x y ) : hz_scope .
Notation " 0 " := hzzero : hz_scope .
Notation " - x " := ( hzsign x ) : hz_scope .
Notation " x - y " := ( hzminus x y ) : hz_scope .

Properties of equlaity on hz

Theorem isdeceqhz : isdeceq hz .
Proof . change ( isdeceq abgrhz ) . apply isdeceqabgrfrac . apply isinclplusn . apply isdeceqnat . Defined .

Definition eqbhz := booleq isdeceqhz .

Lemma isasethz : isaset hz .
Proof . apply ( setproperty abgrhz ) . Defined .

Definition eqhz ( x y : hz ) : hProp := hProppair _ ( isasethz x y ) .

Properties of addition and subtraction on hz

Open Local Scope hz_scope .

Lemma hzplusr0 ( x : hz ) : paths ( x + 0 ) x .
Proof . intro . apply ( runax abgrhz x ) . Defined .

Lemma hzplusl0 ( x : hz ) : paths ( 0 + x ) x .
Proof . intro . apply ( lunax abgrhz x ) . Defined .

Lemma hzplusassoc ( x y z : hz ) : paths ( ( x + y ) + z ) ( x + ( y + z ) ) .
Proof . intros . apply ( assocax abgrhz x y z ) . Defined .

Lemma hzpluscomm ( x y : hz ) : eqhz ( x + y ) ( y + x ) .
Proof . intros . apply ( commax abgrhz x y ) . Defined .

Addition and subtraction on nat and hz

Absolute value on hz

Definition absvalhzint : ( dirprod nat nat ) -> nat .
Proof . intro nm . destruct nm as [ n m ] . destruct ( leb n m ) . apply ( minus m n ) . apply ( minus n m ) . Defined .

Lemma absvalhzintcomp : iscomprelfun ( hrelabgrfrac addabmonoidnat ) absvalhzint .
Proof . unfold iscomprelfun . intros x x' . unfold hrelabgrfrac . simpl . apply ( @hinhuniv _ ( hProppair _ ( isasetnat (absvalhzint x) (absvalhzint x') ) ) ) . intro tt0 . simpl . destruct tt0 as [ x0 eq ] . destruct x as [ n m ] . destruct x' as [ n' m' ] . simpl in eq . set ( e' := invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclplusn x0 ) _ _ eq ) . simpl . destruct ( boolchoice ( leb n m ) ) as [ isle | isgt ] .

rewrite isle . destruct ( boolchoice ( leb n' m' ) ) as [ isle' | isgt' ] .

rewrite isle' . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclplusn ( n + n' ) ) ) . destruct ( natplusassoc ( m - n ) n n' ) . destruct ( natpluscomm n' n ) . destruct ( natplusassoc ( m' - n' ) n' n ) . rewrite ( plusminusnmm m n isle ) . rewrite ( plusminusnmm m' n' isle' ) . simpl . destruct ( natpluscomm m' n ) . destruct ( natpluscomm m n' ) . apply ( pathsinv0 e' ) .

rewrite isgt' . destruct ( natpluscomm m n' ) . set ( e'' := lehandplusr n m m' isle ) . set ( e''' := gthandplusl n' m' m isgt' ) . set ( e'''' := lehlthtrans _ _ _ e'' e''' ) . rewrite e' in e'''' . destruct ( neggthnn _ e'''' ) .

rewrite isgt . destruct ( boolchoice ( leb n' m' ) ) as [ isle' | isgt' ] .

rewrite isle' . destruct ( natpluscomm m n' ) . set ( e'' := lehandplusl n' m' n isle' ) . set ( e''' := gthandplusr n m n' isgt ) . set ( e'''' := lthlehtrans _ _ _ e''' e'' ) . rewrite e' in e'''' . destruct ( neggthnn _ e'''' ) .

rewrite isgt' . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclplusn ( m + m' ) ) ) . destruct ( natplusassoc ( n - m ) m m' ) . destruct ( natpluscomm m' m ) . destruct ( natplusassoc ( n' - m' ) m' m ) . rewrite ( plusminusnmm n m ( gthimplgeh _ _ isgt ) ) . rewrite ( plusminusnmm n' m' ( gthimplgeh _ _ isgt' ) ) . apply e' . Defined .

Definition absvalhz : hz -> nat := setquotuniv _ natset absvalhzint absvalhzintcomp .

Eval lazy in ( eqbhz ( natnattohz 3 4 ) ( natnattohz 17 18 ) ) .
Eval lazy in ( eqbhz ( natnattohz 3 4 ) ( natnattohz 17 19 ) ) .

Eval lazy in ( absvalhz ( natnattohz 58 332 ) ) .
Eval lazy in ( absvalhz ( hzplus ( natnattohz 2 3 ) ( natnattohz 3 2 ) ) ) .
Eval lazy in ( absvalhz ( hzminus ( natnattohz 2 3 ) ( natnattohz 3 2 ) ) ) .