Theresa Arzadon-Labajo

Zoom 3095 USB Modem on Linux

Posted by Theresa Arzadon-Labajo (tarzadon) on Jul 01 2009
Tech Stuff >> Unix-Linux

The driver that comes on the CD doesn't work with kernels < 2.6.19.

Get the source from the website:

Unpack the tarball
     tar xzvf dgcmodem-1.10.tar.gz

Copy the spec file to the SPECS directory
     cp dgcmodem-1.10/dgcmodem.spec ../SPECS/

Rebuild the RPM
     setarch i386 rpmbuild -ba dgcmodem.spec

Install the RPM
   rpm -vih dgcmodem-1.10-1.i386.rpm

If necessary, run dgcconfig to complete the installation.

/dev/modem is now configured.


Linux PPP How-To


therandymon says that the Linuxant driver doesn't work on 64-bit systems, but I was able to get it working.  I repeated the steps above on a 64-bit machine to create the RPM and install it.

Before installing the RPM, make sure the following packages are on the system:

     gcc  (and its dependencies: cpp, glibc-devel, glibc-headers, kernel-headers, libgomp)

I use minicom to test the modem, so I also installed that.


Last changed: Jul 02 2009 at 12:53 PM



Modem on Linux By Guest on Nov 22 2018 at 12:45 AM
The well mentioned about the Zoom 3095 USB Modem in this post. I hope that we will get this kind of stuff in the post.

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