Library uu0d

Univalent Basics. Vladimir Voevodsky. Feb. 2010 - Sep. 2011. Port to coq trunk (8.4-8.5) in

March 2014. The third part of the original uu0 file, created on Dec. 3, 2014.
Only one usniverse is used and never as a type. We use general functional extensionality funextfunax asserting that two homotopic functions are equal. Since funextfunax itself is not an "axiom" in our sense, i.e., its type is not of h-level 1, we show that it is logically equivalent to a real axiom funcontr which asserts that the space of sections of a family with contractible fibers is contractible.



Unset Automatic Introduction.

Require Export Foundations.Generalities.uu0c.

Deduction of functional extnsionality for dependent functions (sections) from functional extensionality of usual functions

Axiom funextfunax : forall (X Y:UU)(f g:X->Y), (forall x:X, paths (f x) (g x)) -> (paths f g).

Lemma isweqlcompwithweq { X X' : UU} (w: weq X X') (Y:UU) : isweq (fun a:X'->Y => (fun x:X => a (w x))).
Proof. intros. set (f:= (fun a:X'->Y => (fun x:X => a (w x)))). set (g := fun b:X-> Y => fun x':X' => b ( invweq w x')).
set (egf:= (fun a:X'->Y => funextfunax X' Y (fun x':X' => (g (f a)) x') a (fun x': X' => maponpaths a (homotweqinvweq w x')))).
set (efg:= (fun a:X->Y => funextfunax X Y (fun x:X => (f (g a)) x) a (fun x: X => maponpaths a (homotinvweqweq w x)))).
apply (gradth f g egf efg). Defined.

Lemma isweqrcompwithweq { Y Y':UU } (w: weq Y Y')(X:UU): isweq (fun a:X->Y => (fun x:X => w (a x))).
Proof. intros. set (f:= (fun a:X->Y => (fun x:X => w (a x)))). set (g := fun a':X-> Y' => fun x:X => (invweq w (a' x))).
set (egf:= (fun a:X->Y => funextfunax X Y (fun x:X => (g (f a)) x) a (fun x: X => (homotinvweqweq w (a x))))).
set (efg:= (fun a':X->Y' => funextfunax X Y' (fun x:X => (f (g a')) x) a' (fun x: X => (homotweqinvweq w (a' x))))).
apply (gradth f g egf efg). Defined.

Theorem funcontr { X : UU } (P:X -> UU) : (forall x:X, iscontr (P x)) -> iscontr (forall x:X, P x).
Proof. intros X P X0 . set (T1 := forall x:X, P x). set (T2 := (hfiber (fun f: (X -> total2 P) => fun x: X => pr1 (f x)) (fun x:X => x))). assert (is1:isweq (@pr1 X P)). apply isweqpr1. assumption. set (w1:= weqpair (@pr1 X P) is1).
assert (X1:iscontr T2). apply (isweqrcompwithweq w1 X (fun x:X => x)).
apply ( iscontrretract _ _ (sectohfibertosec P ) X1). Defined.

Corollary funcontrtwice { X : UU } (P: X-> X -> UU)(is: forall (x x':X), iscontr (P x x')): iscontr (forall (x x':X), P x x').
Proof. intros.
assert (is1: forall x:X, iscontr (forall x':X, P x x')). intro. apply (funcontr _ (is x)). apply (funcontr _ is1). Defined.

Proof of the fact that the toforallpaths from paths s1 s2 to forall t:T, paths (s1 t) (s2 t) is a weak equivalence - a strong form of functional extensionality for sections of general families. The proof uses only funcontr which is an axiom i.e. its type satisfies isaprop .

Lemma funextweql1 { T : UU } (P:T -> UU)(g: forall t:T, P t): iscontr (total2 (fun f:forall t:T, P t => forall t:T, paths (f t) (g t))).
Proof. intros. set (X:= forall t:T, coconustot _ (g t)). assert (is1: iscontr X). apply (funcontr (fun t:T => coconustot _ (g t)) (fun t:T => iscontrcoconustot _ (g t))). set (Y:= total2 (fun f:forall t:T, P t => forall t:T, paths (f t) (g t))). set (p:= fun z: X => tpair (fun f:forall t:T, P t => forall t:T, paths (f t) (g t)) (fun t:T => pr1 (z t)) (fun t:T => pr2 (z t))). set (s:= fun u:Y => (fun t:T => coconustotpair _ ((pr2 u) t))). set (etap:= fun u: Y => tpair (fun f:forall t:T, P t => forall t:T, paths (f t) (g t)) (fun t:T => ((pr1 u) t)) (pr2 u)).

assert (eps: forall u:Y, paths (p (s u)) (etap u)). intro. induction u as [ t x ]. unfold p. unfold s. unfold etap. simpl. assert (ex: paths x (fun t0:T => x t0)). apply etacorrection. induction ex. apply idpath.

assert (eetap: forall u:Y, paths (etap u) u). intro. unfold etap. induction u as [t x ]. simpl.

set (ff:= fun fe: (total2 (fun f : forall t0 : T, P t0 => forall t0 : T, paths (f t0) (g t0))) => tpair (fun f : forall t0 : T, P t0 => forall t0 : T, paths (f t0) (g t0)) (fun t0:T => (pr1 fe) t0) (pr2 fe)).

assert (isweqff: isweq ff). apply (isweqfpmap ( weqeta P ) (fun f: forall t:T, P t => forall t:T, paths (f t) (g t)) ).

assert (ee: forall fe: (total2 (fun f : forall t0 : T, P t0 => forall t0 : T, paths (f t0) (g t0))), paths (ff (ff fe)) (ff fe)). intro. apply idpath. assert (eee: forall fe: (total2 (fun f : forall t0 : T, P t0 => forall t0 : T, paths (f t0) (g t0))), paths (ff fe) fe). intro. apply (invmaponpathsweq ( weqpair ff isweqff ) _ _ (ee fe)).

apply (eee (tpair _ t x)). assert (eps0: forall u: Y, paths (p (s u)) u). intro. apply (pathscomp0 (eps u) (eetap u)).

apply ( iscontrretract p s eps0). assumption. Defined.

Theorem isweqtoforallpaths { T : UU } (P:T -> UU)( f g: forall t:T, P t) : isweq (toforallpaths P f g).
Proof. intros. set (tmap:= fun ff: total2 (fun f0: forall t:T, P t => paths f0 g) => tpair (fun f0:forall t:T, P t => forall t:T, paths (f0 t) (g t)) (pr1 ff) (toforallpaths P (pr1 ff) g (pr2 ff))). assert (is1: iscontr (total2 (fun f0: forall t:T, P t => paths f0 g))). apply (iscontrcoconustot _ g). assert (is2:iscontr (total2 (fun f0:forall t:T, P t => forall t:T, paths (f0 t) (g t)))). apply funextweql1.
assert (X: isweq tmap). apply (isweqcontrcontr tmap is1 is2). apply (isweqtotaltofib (fun f0: forall t:T, P t => paths f0 g) (fun f0:forall t:T, P t => forall t:T, paths (f0 t) (g t)) (fun f0:forall t:T, P t => (toforallpaths P f0 g)) X f). Qed.

Theorem weqtoforallpaths { T : UU } (P:T -> UU)(f g : forall t:T, P t) : weq (paths f g) (forall t:T, paths (f t) (g t)) .
Proof. intros. split with (toforallpaths P f g). apply isweqtoforallpaths. Defined.

Definition funextsec { T : UU } (P: T-> UU) (s1 s2 : forall t:T, P t) : (forall t:T, paths (s1 t) (s2 t)) -> paths s1 s2 := invmap (weqtoforallpaths _ s1 s2) .

Definition funextfun { X Y:UU } (f g:X->Y) : (forall x:X, paths (f x) (g x)) -> (paths f g):= funextsec (fun x:X => Y) f g.

I do not know at the moment whether funextfun is equal (homotopic) to funextfunax. It is advisable in all cases to use funextfun or, equivalently, funextsec, since it can be produced from funcontr and therefore is well defined up to a canonbical equivalence. In addition it is a homotopy inverse of toforallpaths which may be true or not for funextsecax.

Theorem isweqfunextsec { T : UU } (P:T -> UU)(f g : forall t:T, P t) : isweq (funextsec P f g).
Proof. intros. apply (isweqinvmap ( weqtoforallpaths _ f g ) ). Defined.

Definition weqfunextsec { T : UU } (P:T -> UU)(f g : forall t:T, P t) : weq (forall t:T, paths (f t) (g t)) (paths f g) := weqpair _ ( isweqfunextsec P f g ) .

Sections of "double fibration" (P: T -> UU)(PP: forall t:T, P t -> UU) and pairs of sections

General case

Definition totaltoforall { X : UU } (P : X -> UU ) ( PP : forall x:X, P x -> UU ) : total2 (fun s0: forall x:X, P x => forall x:X, PP x (s0 x)) -> forall x:X, total2 (PP x).
Proof. intros X P PP X0 x. induction X0 as [ t x0 ]. split with (t x). apply (x0 x). Defined.

Definition foralltototal { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( PP : forall x:X, P x -> UU ): (forall x:X, total2 (PP x)) -> total2 (fun s0: forall x:X, P x => forall x:X, PP x (s0 x)).
Proof. intros X P PP X0. split with (fun x:X => pr1 (X0 x)). apply (fun x:X => pr2 (X0 x)). Defined.

Lemma lemmaeta1 { X : UU } (P:X->UU) (Q:(forall x:X, P x) -> UU)(s0: forall x:X, P x)(q: Q (fun x:X => (s0 x))): paths (tpair (fun s: (forall x:X, P x) => Q (fun x:X => (s x))) s0 q) (tpair (fun s: (forall x:X, P x) => Q (fun x:X => (s x))) (fun x:X => (s0 x)) q).
Proof. intros. set (ff:= fun tp:total2 (fun s: (forall x:X, P x) => Q (fun x:X => (s x))) => tpair _ (fun x:X => pr1 tp x) (pr2 tp)). assert (X0 : isweq ff). apply (isweqfpmap ( weqeta P ) Q ).
assert (ee: paths (ff (tpair (fun s : forall x : X, P x => Q (fun x : X => s x)) s0 q)) (ff (tpair (fun s : forall x : X, P x => Q (fun x : X => s x)) (fun x : X => s0 x) q))). apply idpath.

apply (invmaponpathsweq ( weqpair ff X0 ) _ _ ee). Defined.

Definition totaltoforalltototal { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( PP : forall x:X, P x -> UU )( ss : total2 (fun s0: forall x:X, P x => forall x:X, PP x (s0 x)) ): paths (foralltototal _ _ (totaltoforall _ _ ss)) ss.
Proof. intros. induction ss as [ t x ]. unfold foralltototal. unfold totaltoforall. simpl. set (et:= fun x:X => t x).

assert (paths (tpair (fun s0 : forall x0 : X, P x0 => forall x0 : X, PP x0 (s0 x0)) t x) (tpair (fun s0 : forall x0 : X, P x0 => forall x0 : X, PP x0 (s0 x0)) et x)). apply (lemmaeta1 P (fun s: forall x:X, P x => forall x:X, PP x (s x)) t x).

assert (ee: paths (tpair (fun s0 : forall x0 : X, P x0 => forall x0 : X, PP x0 (s0 x0)) et x) (tpair (fun s0 : forall x0 : X, P x0 => forall x0 : X, PP x0 (s0 x0)) et (fun x0 : X => x x0))).
assert (eee: paths x (fun x0:X => x x0)). apply etacorrection. induction eee. apply idpath. induction ee. apply pathsinv0. assumption. Defined.

Definition foralltototaltoforall { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( PP : forall x:X, P x -> UU ) ( ss : forall x:X, total2 (PP x)): paths (totaltoforall _ _ (foralltototal _ _ ss)) ss.
Proof. intros. unfold foralltototal. unfold totaltoforall. simpl. assert (ee: forall x:X, paths (tpair (PP x) (pr1 (ss x)) (pr2 (ss x))) (ss x)). intro. apply (pathsinv0 (tppr (ss x))). apply (funextsec). assumption. Defined.

Theorem isweqforalltototal { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( PP : forall x:X, P x -> UU ) : isweq (foralltototal P PP).
Proof. intros. apply (gradth (foralltototal P PP) (totaltoforall P PP) (foralltototaltoforall P PP) (totaltoforalltototal P PP)). Defined.

Theorem isweqtotaltoforall { X : UU } (P:X->UU)(PP:forall x:X, P x -> UU): isweq (totaltoforall P PP).
Proof. intros. apply (gradth (totaltoforall P PP) (foralltototal P PP) (totaltoforalltototal P PP) (foralltototaltoforall P PP)). Defined.

Definition weqforalltototal { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( PP : forall x:X, P x -> UU ) := weqpair _ ( isweqforalltototal P PP ) .

Definition weqtotaltoforall { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( PP : forall x:X, P x -> UU ) := invweq ( weqforalltototal P PP ) .

Functions to a dependent sum (to a total2 )

Definition weqfuntototaltototal ( X : UU ) { Y : UU } ( Q : Y -> UU ) : weq ( X -> total2 Q ) ( total2 ( fun f : X -> Y => forall x : X , Q ( f x ) ) ) := weqforalltototal ( fun x : X => Y ) ( fun x : X => Q ) .

Functions to direct product

Note: we give direct proofs for this special case.

Definition funtoprodtoprod { X Y Z : UU } ( f : X -> dirprod Y Z ) : dirprod ( X -> Y ) ( X -> Z ) := dirprodpair ( fun x : X => pr1 ( f x ) ) ( fun x : X => ( pr2 ( f x ) ) ) .

Definition prodtofuntoprod { X Y Z : UU } ( fg : dirprod ( X -> Y ) ( X -> Z ) ) : X -> dirprod Y Z := match fg with tpair _ f g => fun x : X => dirprodpair ( f x ) ( g x ) end .

Theorem weqfuntoprodtoprod ( X Y Z : UU ) : weq ( X -> dirprod Y Z ) ( dirprod ( X -> Y ) ( X -> Z ) ) .
Proof. intros. set ( f := @funtoprodtoprod X Y Z ) . set ( g := @prodtofuntoprod X Y Z ) . split with f .
assert ( egf : forall a : _ , paths ( g ( f a ) ) a ) . intro a . apply funextfun . intro x . simpl . apply pathsinv0 . apply tppr .
assert ( efg : forall a : _ , paths ( f ( g a ) ) a ) . intro a . induction a as [ fy fz ] . apply pathsdirprod . simpl . apply pathsinv0 . apply etacorrection . simpl . apply pathsinv0 . apply etacorrection .
apply ( gradth _ _ egf efg ) . Defined .

Homotopy fibers of the map forall x:X, P x -> forall x:X, Q x

General case

Definition maponsec { X:UU } (P Q : X -> UU) (f: forall x:X, P x -> Q x): (forall x:X, P x) -> (forall x:X, Q x) :=
fun s: forall x:X, P x => (fun x:X => (f x) (s x)).

Definition maponsec1 { X Y : UU } (P:Y -> UU)(f:X-> Y): (forall y:Y, P y) -> (forall x:X, P (f x)) := fun sy: forall y:Y, P y => (fun x:X => sy (f x)).

Definition hfibertoforall { X : UU } (P Q : X -> UU) (f: forall x:X, P x -> Q x)(s: forall x:X, Q x): hfiber (@maponsec _ _ _ f) s -> forall x:X, hfiber (f x) (s x).
Proof. intro. intro. intro. intro. intro. unfold hfiber.

set (map1:= totalfun (fun pointover : forall x : X, P x =>
      paths (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s) (fun pointover : forall x : X, P x =>
      forall x:X, paths ((f x) (pointover x)) (s x)) (fun pointover: forall x:X, P x => toforallpaths _ (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s )).

set (map2 := totaltoforall P (fun x:X => (fun pointover : P x => paths (f x pointover) (s x)))).

set (themap := fun a:_ => map2 (map1 a)). assumption. Defined.

Definition foralltohfiber { X : UU } ( P Q : X -> UU) (f: forall x:X, P x -> Q x)(s: forall x:X, Q x): (forall x:X, hfiber (f x) (s x)) -> hfiber (maponsec _ _ f) s.
Proof. intro. intro. intro. intro. intro. unfold hfiber.

set (map2inv := foralltototal P (fun x:X => (fun pointover : P x => paths (f x pointover) (s x)))).
set (map1inv := totalfun (fun pointover : forall x : X, P x =>
      forall x:X, paths ((f x) (pointover x)) (s x)) (fun pointover : forall x : X, P x =>
      paths (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s) (fun pointover: forall x:X, P x => funextsec _ (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s)).
set (themap := fun a:_=> map1inv (map2inv a)). assumption. Defined.

Theorem isweqhfibertoforall { X : UU } (P Q :X -> UU) (f: forall x:X, P x -> Q x)(s: forall x:X, Q x): isweq (hfibertoforall _ _ f s).
Proof. intro. intro. intro. intro. intro.

set (map1:= totalfun (fun pointover : forall x : X, P x =>
      paths (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s) (fun pointover : forall x : X, P x =>
      forall x:X, paths ((f x) (pointover x)) (s x)) (fun pointover: forall x:X, P x => toforallpaths _ (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s)).

set (map2 := totaltoforall P (fun x:X => (fun pointover : P x => paths (f x pointover) (s x)))).

assert (is1: isweq map1). apply (isweqfibtototal _ _ (fun pointover: forall x:X, P x => weqtoforallpaths _ (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s )).

assert (is2: isweq map2). apply isweqtotaltoforall.

apply (twooutof3c map1 map2 is1 is2). Defined.

Definition weqhfibertoforall { X : UU } (P Q :X -> UU) (f: forall x:X, P x -> Q x)(s: forall x:X, Q x) := weqpair _ ( isweqhfibertoforall P Q f s ) .

Theorem isweqforalltohfiber { X : UU } (P Q : X -> UU) (f: forall x:X, P x -> Q x)(s: forall x:X, Q x): isweq (foralltohfiber _ _ f s).
Proof. intro. intro. intro. intro. intro.

set (map2inv := foralltototal P (fun x:X => (fun pointover : P x => paths (f x pointover) (s x)))).

assert (is2: isweq map2inv). apply (isweqforalltototal P (fun x:X => (fun pointover : P x => paths (f x pointover) (s x)))).

set (map1inv := totalfun (fun pointover : forall x : X, P x =>
      forall x:X, paths ((f x) (pointover x)) (s x)) (fun pointover : forall x : X, P x =>
      paths (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s) (fun pointover: forall x:X, P x => funextsec _ (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s)).

assert (is1: isweq map1inv).

apply (isweqfibtototal _ _ (fun pointover: forall x:X, P x => weqfunextsec _ (fun x : X => f x (pointover x)) s ) ).
apply (twooutof3c map2inv map1inv is2 is1). Defined.

Definition weqforalltohfiber { X : UU } (P Q : X -> UU) (f: forall x:X, P x -> Q x)(s: forall x:X, Q x) := weqpair _ ( isweqforalltohfiber P Q f s ) .

The weak equivalence between section spaces (dependent products) defined by a family of weak equivalences weq ( P x ) ( Q x )

Corollary isweqmaponsec { X : UU } (P Q : X-> UU) (f: forall x:X, weq ( P x ) ( Q x) ) : isweq (maponsec _ _ f).
Proof. intros. unfold isweq. intro y.
assert (is1: iscontr (forall x:X, hfiber (f x) (y x))). assert (is2: forall x:X, iscontr (hfiber (f x) (y x))). intro x. apply ( ( pr2 ( f x ) ) (y x)). apply funcontr. assumption.
apply (iscontrweqb (weqhfibertoforall P Q f y) is1 ). Defined.

Definition weqonsecfibers { X : UU } (P Q : X-> UU) (f: forall x:X, weq ( P x ) ( Q x )) := weqpair _ ( isweqmaponsec P Q f ) .

Composition of functions with a weak equivalence on the right

Definition weqffun ( X : UU ) { Y Z : UU } ( w : weq Y Z ) : weq ( X -> Y ) ( X -> Z ) := weqonsecfibers _ _ ( fun x : X => w ) .

The map between section spaces (dependent products) defined by the map between the bases f: Y -> X

General case

Definition maponsec1l0 { X : UU } (P:X -> UU)(f:X-> X)(h: forall x:X, paths (f x) x)(s: forall x:X, P x): (forall x:X, P x) := (fun x:X => transportf P (h x) (s (f x))).

Lemma maponsec1l1 { X : UU } (P:X -> UU)(x:X)(s:forall x:X, P x): paths (maponsec1l0 P (fun x:X => x) (fun x:X => idpath x) s x) (s x).
Proof. intros. unfold maponsec1l0. apply idpath. Defined.

Lemma maponsec1l2 { X : UU } (P:X -> UU)(f:X-> X)(h: forall x:X, paths (f x) x)(s: forall x:X, P x)(x:X): paths (maponsec1l0 P f h s x) (s x).
Proof. intros.

set (map:= fun ff: total2 (fun f0:X->X => forall x:X, paths (f0 x) x) => maponsec1l0 P (pr1 ff) (pr2 ff) s x).
assert (is1: iscontr (total2 (fun f0:X->X => forall x:X, paths (f0 x) x))). apply funextweql1. assert (e: paths (tpair (fun f0:X->X => forall x:X, paths (f0 x) x) f h) (tpair (fun f0:X->X => forall x:X, paths (f0 x) x) (fun x0:X => x0) (fun x0:X => idpath x0))). apply proofirrelevancecontr. assumption. apply (maponpaths map e). Defined.

Theorem isweqmaponsec1 { X Y : UU } (P:Y -> UU)(f: weq X Y ) : isweq (maponsec1 P f).
Proof. intros.

set (map:= maponsec1 P f).
set (invf:= invmap f). set (e1:= homotweqinvweq f). set (e2:= homotinvweqweq f ).
set (im1:= fun sx: forall x:X, P (f x) => (fun y:Y => sx (invf y))).
set (im2:= fun sy': forall y:Y, P (f (invf y)) => (fun y:Y => transportf _ (homotweqinvweq f y) (sy' y))).
set (invmapp := (fun sx: forall x:X, P (f x) => im2 (im1 sx))).

assert (efg0: forall sx: (forall x:X, P (f x)), forall x:X, paths ((map (invmapp sx)) x) (sx x)). intro. intro. unfold map. unfold invmapp. unfold im1. unfold im2. unfold maponsec1. simpl. fold invf. set (ee:=e2 x). fold invf in ee.

set (e3x:= fun x0:X => invmaponpathsweq f (invf (f x0)) x0 (homotweqinvweq f (f x0))). set (e3:=e3x x). assert (e4: paths (homotweqinvweq f (f x)) (maponpaths f e3)). apply (pathsinv0 (pathsweq4 f (invf (f x)) x _)).

assert (e5:paths (transportf P (homotweqinvweq f (f x)) (sx (invf (f x)))) (transportf P (maponpaths f e3) (sx (invf (f x))))). apply (maponpaths (fun e40:_ => (transportf P e40 (sx (invf (f x))))) e4).

assert (e6: paths (transportf P (maponpaths f e3) (sx (invf (f x)))) (transportf (fun x:X => P (f x)) e3 (sx (invf (f x))))). apply (pathsinv0 (functtransportf f P e3 (sx (invf (f x))))).

set (ff:= fun x:X => invf (f x)).
assert (e7: paths (transportf (fun x : X => P (f x)) e3 (sx (invf (f x)))) (sx x)). apply (maponsec1l2 (fun x:X => P (f x)) ff e3x sx x). apply (pathscomp0 (pathscomp0 e5 e6) e7).

assert (efg: forall sx: (forall x:X, P (f x)), paths (map (invmapp sx)) sx). intro. apply (funextsec _ _ _ (efg0 sx)).

assert (egf0: forall sy: (forall y:Y, P y), forall y:Y, paths ((invmapp (map sy)) y) (sy y)). intros. unfold invmapp. unfold map. unfold im1. unfold im2. unfold maponsec1.

set (ff:= fun y:Y => f (invf y)). fold invf. apply (maponsec1l2 P ff ( homotweqinvweq f ) sy y).
assert (egf: forall sy: (forall y:Y, P y), paths (invmapp (map sy)) sy). intro. apply (funextsec _ _ _ (egf0 sy)).

apply (gradth map invmapp egf efg). Defined.

Definition weqonsecbase { X Y : UU } ( P : Y -> UU ) ( f : weq X Y )
  : weq (forall y : Y, P y) (forall x : X, P (f x))
  := weqpair _ ( isweqmaponsec1 P f ) .

Composition of functions with a weak equivalence on the left

Definition weqbfun { X Y : UU } ( Z : UU ) ( w : weq X Y ) : weq ( Y -> Z ) ( X -> Z ) := weqonsecbase _ w .

Sections of families over an empty type and over coproducts

General case

Definition iscontrsecoverempty ( P : empty -> UU ) : iscontr ( forall x : empty , P x ) .
Proof . intro . split with ( fun x : empty => fromempty x ) . intro t . apply funextsec . intro t0 . induction t0 . Defined .

Definition iscontrsecoverempty2 { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( is : neg X ) : iscontr ( forall x : X , P x ) .
Proof . intros . set ( w := weqtoempty is ) . set ( w' := weqonsecbase P ( invweq w ) ) . apply ( iscontrweqb w' ( iscontrsecoverempty _ ) ) . Defined .

Definition secovercoprodtoprod { X Y : UU } ( P : coprod X Y -> UU ) ( a: forall xy : coprod X Y , P xy ) : dirprod ( forall x : X , P ( ii1 x ) ) ( forall y : Y , P ( ii2 y ) ) := dirprodpair ( fun x : X => a ( ii1 x ) ) ( fun y : Y => a ( ii2 y ) ) .

Definition prodtosecovercoprod { X Y : UU } ( P : coprod X Y -> UU ) ( a : dirprod ( forall x : X , P ( ii1 x ) ) ( forall y : Y , P ( ii2 y ) ) ) : forall xy : coprod X Y , P xy .
Proof . intros . induction xy as [ x | y ] . apply ( pr1 a x ) . apply ( pr2 a y ) . Defined .

Definition weqsecovercoprodtoprod { X Y : UU } ( P : coprod X Y -> UU ) : weq ( forall xy : coprod X Y , P xy ) ( dirprod ( forall x : X , P ( ii1 x ) ) ( forall y : Y , P ( ii2 y ) ) ) .
Proof . intros . set ( f := secovercoprodtoprod P ) . set ( g := prodtosecovercoprod P ) . split with f .
assert ( egf : forall a : _ , paths ( g ( f a ) ) a ) . intro . apply funextsec . intro t . induction t as [ x | y ] . apply idpath . apply idpath .
assert ( efg : forall a : _ , paths ( f ( g a ) ) a ) . intro . induction a as [ ax ay ] . apply ( pathsdirprod ) . apply funextsec . intro x . apply idpath . apply funextsec . intro y . apply idpath .
apply ( gradth _ _ egf efg ) . Defined .

Functions from the empty type

Theorem iscontrfunfromempty ( X : UU ) : iscontr ( empty -> X ) .
Proof . intro . split with fromempty . intro t . apply funextfun . intro x . induction x . Defined .

Theorem iscontrfunfromempty2 ( X : UU ) { Y : UU } ( is : neg Y ) : iscontr ( Y -> X ) .
Proof. intros . set ( w := weqtoempty is ) . set ( w' := weqbfun X ( invweq w ) ) . apply ( iscontrweqb w' ( iscontrfunfromempty X ) ) . Defined .

Functions from a coproduct

Definition funfromcoprodtoprod { X Y Z : UU } ( f : coprod X Y -> Z ) : dirprod ( X -> Z ) ( Y -> Z ) := dirprodpair ( fun x : X => f ( ii1 x ) ) ( fun y : Y => f ( ii2 y ) ) .

Definition prodtofunfromcoprod { X Y Z : UU } ( fg : dirprod ( X -> Z ) ( Y -> Z ) ) : coprod X Y -> Z := match fg with tpair _ f g => sumofmaps f g end .

Theorem weqfunfromcoprodtoprod ( X Y Z : UU ) : weq ( coprod X Y -> Z ) ( dirprod ( X -> Z ) ( Y -> Z ) ) .
Proof. intros . set ( f := @funfromcoprodtoprod X Y Z ) . set ( g := @prodtofunfromcoprod X Y Z ) . split with f .
assert ( egf : forall a : _ , paths ( g ( f a ) ) a ) . intro a . apply funextfun . intro xy . induction xy as [ x | y ] . apply idpath . apply idpath .
assert ( efg : forall a : _ , paths ( f ( g a ) ) a ) . intro a . induction a as [ fx fy ] . simpl . apply pathsdirprod . simpl . apply pathsinv0 . apply etacorrection . simpl . apply pathsinv0 . apply etacorrection .
apply ( gradth _ _ egf efg ) . Defined .

Sections of families over contractible types and over total2 (over dependent sums)

General case

Definition tosecoverunit ( P : unit -> UU ) ( p : P tt ) : forall t : unit , P t .
Proof . intros . induction t . apply p . Defined .

Definition weqsecoverunit ( P : unit -> UU ) : weq ( forall t : unit , P t ) ( P tt ) .
Proof . intro. set ( f := fun a : forall t : unit , P t => a tt ) . set ( g := tosecoverunit P ) . split with f .
assert ( egf : forall a : _ , paths ( g ( f a ) ) a ) . intro . apply funextsec . intro t . induction t . apply idpath .
assert ( efg : forall a : _ , paths ( f ( g a ) ) a ) . intros . apply idpath .
apply ( gradth _ _ egf efg ) . Defined .

Definition weqsecovercontr { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( is : iscontr X ) : weq ( forall x : X , P x ) ( P ( pr1 is ) ) .
Proof . intros . set ( w1 := weqonsecbase P ( wequnittocontr is ) ) . apply ( weqcomp w1 ( weqsecoverunit _ ) ) . Defined .

Definition tosecovertotal2 { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( Q : total2 P -> UU ) ( a : forall x : X , forall p : P x , Q ( tpair _ x p ) ) : forall xp : total2 P , Q xp .
Proof . intros . induction xp as [ x p ] . apply ( a x p ) . Defined .

Definition weqsecovertotal2 { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( Q : total2 P -> UU ) : weq ( forall xp : total2 P , Q xp ) ( forall x : X , forall p : P x , Q ( tpair _ x p ) ) .
Proof . intros . set ( f := fun a : forall xp : total2 P , Q xp => fun x : X => fun p : P x => a ( tpair _ x p ) ) . set ( g := tosecovertotal2 P Q ) . split with f .
assert ( egf : forall a : _ , paths ( g ( f a ) ) a ) . intro . apply funextsec . intro xp . induction xp as [ x p ] . apply idpath .
assert ( efg : forall a : _ , paths ( f ( g a ) ) a ) . intro . apply funextsec . intro x . apply funextsec . intro p . apply idpath .
apply ( gradth _ _ egf efg ) . Defined .

Functions from unit and from contractible types

Definition weqfunfromunit ( X : UU ) : weq ( unit -> X ) X := weqsecoverunit _ .

Definition weqfunfromcontr { X : UU } ( Y : UU ) ( is : iscontr X ) : weq ( X -> Y ) Y := weqsecovercontr _ is .

Functions from total2

Definition weqfunfromtotal2 { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) ( Y : UU ) : weq ( total2 P -> Y ) ( forall x : X , P x -> Y ) := weqsecovertotal2 P _ .

Functions from direct product

Definition weqfunfromdirprod ( X X' Y : UU ) : weq ( dirprod X X' -> Y ) ( forall x : X , X' -> Y ) := weqsecovertotal2 _ _ .

Theorem saying that if each member of a family is of h-level n then the space of sections of the family is of h-level n.

General case

Theorem impred (n:nat) { T : UU } (P:T -> UU): (forall t:T, isofhlevel n (P t)) -> (isofhlevel n (forall t:T, P t)).
Proof. intro. induction n as [ | n IHn ] . intros T P X. apply (funcontr P X). intros T P X. unfold isofhlevel in X. unfold isofhlevel. intros x x' .

assert (is: forall t:T, isofhlevel n (paths (x t) (x' t))). intro. apply (X t (x t) (x' t)).
assert (is2: isofhlevel n (forall t:T, paths (x t) (x' t))). apply (IHn _ (fun t0:T => paths (x t0) (x' t0)) is).
set (u:=toforallpaths P x x'). assert (is3:isweq u). apply isweqtoforallpaths. set (v:= invmap ( weqpair u is3) ). assert (is4: isweq v). apply isweqinvmap. apply (isofhlevelweqf n ( weqpair v is4 )). assumption. Defined.

Corollary impredtwice (n:nat) { T T' : UU } (P:T -> T' -> UU): (forall (t:T)(t':T'), isofhlevel n (P t t')) -> (isofhlevel n (forall (t:T)(t':T'), P t t')).
Proof. intros n T T' P X. assert (is1: forall t:T, isofhlevel n (forall t':T', P t t')). intro. apply (impred n _ (X t)). apply (impred n _ is1). Defined.

Corollary impredfun (n:nat)(X Y:UU)(is: isofhlevel n Y) : isofhlevel n (X -> Y).
Proof. intros. apply (impred n (fun x:_ => Y) (fun x:X => is)). Defined.

Theorem impredtech1 (n:nat)(X Y: UU) : (X -> isofhlevel n Y) -> isofhlevel n (X -> Y).
Proof. intro. induction n as [ | n IHn ] . intros X Y X0. simpl. split with (fun x:X => pr1 (X0 x)). intro t .
assert (s1: forall x:X, paths (t x) (pr1 (X0 x))). intro. apply proofirrelevancecontr. apply (X0 x).
apply funextsec. assumption.

intros X Y X0. simpl. assert (X1: X -> isofhlevel (S n) (X -> Y)). intro X1 . apply impred. assumption. intros x x' .
assert (s1: isofhlevel n (forall xx:X, paths (x xx) (x' xx))). apply impred. intro t . apply (X0 t).
assert (w: weq (forall xx:X, paths (x xx) (x' xx)) (paths x x')). apply (weqfunextsec _ x x' ). apply (isofhlevelweqf n w s1). Defined.

Functions to a contractible type

Theorem iscontrfuntounit ( X : UU ) : iscontr ( X -> unit ) .
Proof . intro . split with ( fun x : X => tt ) . intro f . apply funextfun . intro x . induction ( f x ) . apply idpath . Defined .

Theorem iscontrfuntocontr ( X : UU ) { Y : UU } ( is : iscontr Y ) : iscontr ( X -> Y ) .
Proof . intros . set ( w := weqcontrtounit is ) . set ( w' := weqffun X w ) . apply ( iscontrweqb w' ( iscontrfuntounit X ) ) . Defined .

Functions to a proposition

Lemma isapropimpl ( X Y : UU ) ( isy : isaprop Y ) : isaprop ( X -> Y ) .
Proof. intros. apply impred. intro. assumption. Defined.

Functions to an empty type (generalization of isapropneg )

Theorem isapropneg2 ( X : UU ) { Y : UU } ( is : neg Y ) : isaprop ( X -> Y ) .
Proof . intros . apply impred . intro . apply ( isapropifnegtrue is ) . Defined .

Theorems saying that iscontr T , isweq f etc. are of h-level 1

Theorem iscontriscontr { X : UU } ( is : iscontr X ) : iscontr ( iscontr X ).
Proof. intros X X0 .

assert (is0: forall (x x':X), paths x x'). apply proofirrelevancecontr. assumption.

assert (is1: forall cntr:X, iscontr (forall x:X, paths x cntr)). intro.
assert (is2: forall x:X, iscontr (paths x cntr)).
assert (is2: isaprop X). apply isapropifcontr. assumption.
unfold isaprop in is2. unfold isofhlevel in is2. intro x . apply (is2 x cntr).
apply funcontr. assumption.

set (f:= @pr1 X (fun cntr:X => forall x:X, paths x cntr)).
assert (X1:isweq f). apply isweqpr1. assumption. change (total2 (fun cntr : X => forall x : X, paths x cntr)) with (iscontr X) in X1. apply (iscontrweqb ( weqpair f X1 ) ) . assumption. Defined.

Theorem isapropiscontr (T:UU): isaprop (iscontr T).
Proof. intros. unfold isaprop. unfold isofhlevel. intros x x' . assert (is: iscontr(iscontr T)). apply iscontriscontr. apply x. assert (is2: isaprop (iscontr T)). apply ( isapropifcontr is ) . apply (is2 x x'). Defined.

Theorem isapropisweq { X Y : UU } (f:X-> Y) : isaprop (isweq f).
Proof. intros. unfold isweq. apply (impred (S O) (fun y:Y => iscontr (hfiber f y)) (fun y:Y => isapropiscontr (hfiber f y))). Defined.

Theorem isapropisisolated ( X : UU ) ( x : X ) : isaprop ( isisolated X x ) .
Proof. intros . apply isofhlevelsn . intro is . apply impred . intro x' . apply ( isapropdec _ ( isaproppathsfromisolated X x is x' ) ) . Defined .

Theorem isapropisdeceq (X:UU): isaprop (isdeceq X).
Proof. intro. apply ( isofhlevelsn 0 ) . intro is . unfold isdeceq. apply impred . intro x . apply ( isapropisisolated X x ) . Defined .

Definition isapropisdecprop ( X : UU ) : isaprop ( isdecprop X ) := isapropiscontr ( coprod X ( neg X ) ) .

Theorem isapropisofhlevel (n:nat)(X:UU): isaprop (isofhlevel n X).
Proof. intro. unfold isofhlevel. induction n as [ | n IHn ] . apply isapropiscontr. intro X .
assert (X0: forall (x x':X), isaprop ((fix isofhlevel (n0 : nat) (X0 : UU) {struct n0} : UU :=
         match n0 with
         | O => iscontr X0
         | S m => forall x0 x'0 : X0, isofhlevel m (paths x0 x'0)
         end) n (paths x x'))). intros. apply (IHn (paths x x')).
assert (is1:
     (forall x:X, isaprop (forall x' : X,
      (fix isofhlevel (n0 : nat) (X1 : UU) {struct n0} : UU :=
         match n0 with
         | O => iscontr X1
         | S m => forall x0 x'0 : X1, isofhlevel m (paths x0 x'0)
         end) n (paths x x')))). intro. apply (impred ( S O ) _ (X0 x)). apply (impred (S O) _ is1). Defined.

Corollary isapropisaprop (X:UU) : isaprop (isaprop X).
Proof. intro. apply (isapropisofhlevel (S O)). Defined.

Corollary isapropisaset (X:UU): isaprop (isaset X).
Proof. intro. apply (isapropisofhlevel (S (S O))). Defined.

Theorem isapropisofhlevelf ( n : nat ) { X Y : UU } ( f : X -> Y ) : isaprop ( isofhlevelf n f ) .
Proof . intros . unfold isofhlevelf . apply impred . intro y . apply isapropisofhlevel . Defined .

Definition isapropisincl { X Y : UU } ( f : X -> Y ) := isapropisofhlevelf 1 f .

Theorems saying that various pr1 maps are inclusions

Theorem isinclpr1weq ( X Y : UU ) : isincl ( @pr1weq X Y ) .
Proof. intros . apply isinclpr1 . intro f. apply isapropisweq . Defined .

Theorem isinclpr1isolated ( T : UU ) : isincl ( pr1isolated T ) .
Proof . intro . apply ( isinclpr1 _ ( fun t : T => isapropisisolated T t ) ) . Defined .

Various weak equivalences between spaces of weak equivalences

Composition with a weak quivalence is a weak equivalence on weak equivalences

Theorem weqfweq ( X : UU ) { Y Z : UU } ( w : weq Y Z ) : weq ( weq X Y ) ( weq X Z ) .
Proof. intros . set ( f := fun a : weq X Y => weqcomp a w ) . set ( g := fun b : weq X Z => weqcomp b ( invweq w ) ) . split with f .
assert ( egf : forall a : _ , paths ( g ( f a ) ) a ) . intro a . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1weq _ _ ) ) . apply funextfun . intro x . apply ( homotinvweqweq w ( a x ) ) .
assert ( efg : forall b : _ , paths ( f ( g b ) ) b ) . intro b . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1weq _ _ ) ) . apply funextfun . intro x . apply ( homotweqinvweq w ( b x ) ) .
apply ( gradth _ _ egf efg ) . Defined .

Theorem weqbweq { X Y : UU } ( Z : UU ) ( w : weq X Y ) : weq ( weq Y Z ) ( weq X Z ) .
Proof. intros . set ( f := fun a : weq Y Z => weqcomp w a ) . set ( g := fun b : weq X Z => weqcomp ( invweq w ) b ) . split with f .
assert ( egf : forall a : _ , paths ( g ( f a ) ) a ) . intro a . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1weq _ _ ) ) . apply funextfun . intro y . apply ( maponpaths a ( homotweqinvweq w y ) ) .
assert ( efg : forall b : _ , paths ( f ( g b ) ) b ) . intro b . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1weq _ _ ) ) . apply funextfun . intro x . apply ( maponpaths b ( homotinvweqweq w x ) ) .
apply ( gradth _ _ egf efg ) . Defined .

Invertion on weak equivalences as a weak equivalence

Comment : note that full form of funextfun is only used in the proof of this theorem in the form of isapropisweq . The rest of the proof can be completed using eta-conversion .

Theorem weqinvweq ( X Y : UU ) : weq ( weq X Y ) ( weq Y X ) .
Proof . intros . set ( f := fun w : weq X Y => invweq w ) . set ( g := fun w : weq Y X => invweq w ) . split with f .
assert ( egf : forall w : _ , paths ( g ( f w ) ) w ) . intro . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1weq _ _ ) ) . apply funextfun . intro x . unfold f. unfold g . unfold invweq . simpl . unfold invmap . simpl . apply idpath .
assert ( efg : forall w : _ , paths ( f ( g w ) ) w ) . intro . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1weq _ _ ) ) . apply funextfun . intro x . unfold f. unfold g . unfold invweq . simpl . unfold invmap . simpl . apply idpath .
apply ( gradth _ _ egf efg ) . Defined .

h-levels of spaces of weak equivalences

Weak equivalences to and from types of h-level ( S n )

Theorem isofhlevelsnweqtohlevelsn ( n : nat ) ( X Y : UU ) ( is : isofhlevel ( S n ) Y ) : isofhlevel ( S n ) ( weq X Y ) .
Proof . intros . apply ( isofhlevelsninclb n _ ( isinclpr1weq _ _ ) ) . apply impred . intro . apply is . Defined .

Theorem isofhlevelsnweqfromhlevelsn ( n : nat ) ( X Y : UU ) ( is : isofhlevel ( S n ) Y ) : isofhlevel ( S n ) ( weq Y X ) .
Proof. intros . apply ( isofhlevelweqf ( S n ) ( weqinvweq X Y ) ( isofhlevelsnweqtohlevelsn n X Y is ) ) . Defined .

Weak equivalences to and from contractible types

Theorem isapropweqtocontr ( X : UU ) { Y : UU } ( is : iscontr Y ) : isaprop ( weq X Y ) .
Proof . intros . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqtohlevelsn 0 _ _ ( isapropifcontr is ) ) . Defined .

Theorem isapropweqfromcontr ( X : UU ) { Y : UU } ( is : iscontr Y ) : isaprop ( weq Y X ) .
Proof. intros . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqfromhlevelsn 0 X _ ( isapropifcontr is ) ) . Defined .

Weak equivalences to and from propositions

Theorem isapropweqtoprop ( X Y : UU ) ( is : isaprop Y ) : isaprop ( weq X Y ) .
Proof . intros . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqtohlevelsn 0 _ _ is ) . Defined .

Theorem isapropweqfromprop ( X Y : UU )( is : isaprop Y ) : isaprop ( weq Y X ) .
Proof. intros . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqfromhlevelsn 0 X _ is ) . Defined .

Weak equivalences to and from sets

Theorem isasetweqtoset ( X Y : UU ) ( is : isaset Y ) : isaset ( weq X Y ) .
Proof . intros . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqtohlevelsn 1 _ _ is ) . Defined .

Theorem isasetweqfromset ( X Y : UU )( is : isaset Y ) : isaset ( weq Y X ) .
Proof. intros . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqfromhlevelsn 1 X _ is ) . Defined .

Weak equivalences to an empty type

Theorem isapropweqtoempty ( X : UU ) : isaprop ( weq X empty ) .
Proof . intro . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqtohlevelsn 0 _ _ ( isapropempty ) ) . Defined .

Theorem isapropweqtoempty2 ( X : UU ) { Y : UU } ( is : neg Y ) : isaprop ( weq X Y ) .
Proof. intros . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqtohlevelsn 0 _ _ ( isapropifnegtrue is ) ) . Defined .

Weak equivalences from an empty type

Theorem isapropweqfromempty ( X : UU ) : isaprop ( weq empty X ) .
Proof . intro . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqfromhlevelsn 0 X _ ( isapropempty ) ) . Defined .

Theorem isapropweqfromempty2 ( X : UU ) { Y : UU } ( is : neg Y ) : isaprop ( weq Y X ) .
Proof. intros . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqfromhlevelsn 0 X _ ( isapropifnegtrue is ) ) . Defined .

Weak equivalences to and from unit

Theorem isapropweqtounit ( X : UU ) : isaprop ( weq X unit ) .
Proof . intro . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqtohlevelsn 0 _ _ ( isapropunit ) ) . Defined .

Theorem isapropweqfromunit ( X : UU ) : isaprop ( weq unit X ) .
Proof. intros . apply ( isofhlevelsnweqfromhlevelsn 0 X _ ( isapropunit ) ) . Defined .

Weak auto-equivalences of a type with an isolated point

Definition cutonweq { T : UU } ( t : T ) ( is : isisolated T t ) ( w : weq T T ) : dirprod ( isolated T ) ( weq ( compl T t ) ( compl T t ) ) := dirprodpair ( isolatedpair T ( w t ) ( isisolatedweqf w t is ) ) ( weqcomp ( weqoncompl w t ) ( weqtranspos0 ( w t ) t ( isisolatedweqf w t is ) is ) ) .

Definition invcutonweq { T : UU } ( t : T ) ( is : isisolated T t ) ( t'w : dirprod ( isolated T ) ( weq ( compl T t ) ( compl T t ) ) ) : weq T T := weqcomp ( weqrecomplf t t is is ( pr2 t'w ) ) ( weqtranspos t ( pr1 ( pr1 t'w ) ) is ( pr2 ( pr1 t'w ) ) ) .

Lemma pathsinvcuntonweqoft { T : UU } ( t : T ) ( is : isisolated T t ) ( t'w : dirprod ( isolated T ) ( weq ( compl T t ) ( compl T t ) ) ) : paths ( invcutonweq t is t'w t ) ( pr1 ( pr1 t'w ) ) .
Proof. intros . unfold invcutonweq . simpl . unfold recompl . unfold coprodf . unfold invmap . simpl . unfold invrecompl . induction ( is t ) as [ ett | nett ] . apply pathsfuntransposoft1 . induction ( nett ( idpath _ ) ) . Defined .

Definition weqcutonweq ( T : UU ) ( t : T ) ( is : isisolated T t ) : weq ( weq T T ) ( dirprod ( isolated T ) ( weq ( compl T t ) ( compl T t ) ) ) .
Proof . intros . set ( f := cutonweq t is ) . set ( g := invcutonweq t is ) . split with f .

assert ( egf : forall w : _ , paths ( g ( f w ) ) w ) . intro w . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1weq _ _ ) _ _ ) . apply funextfun . intro t' . simpl . unfold invmap . simpl . unfold coprodf . unfold invrecompl . induction ( is t' ) as [ ett' | nett' ] . simpl . rewrite ( pathsinv0 ett' ) . apply pathsfuntransposoft1 . simpl . unfold funtranspos0 . simpl . induction ( is ( w t ) ) as [ etwt | netwt ] . induction ( is ( w t' ) ) as [ etwt' | netwt' ] . induction (negf (invmaponpathsincl w (isofhlevelfweq 1 w) t t') nett' (pathscomp0 (pathsinv0 etwt) etwt')) . simpl . assert ( newtt'' := netwt' ) . rewrite etwt in netwt' . apply ( pathsfuntransposofnet1t2 t ( w t ) is _ ( w t' ) newtt'' netwt' ) . simpl . induction ( is ( w t' ) ) as [ etwt' | netwt' ] . simpl . rewrite ( pathsinv0 etwt' ). apply ( pathsfuntransposoft2 t ( w t ) is _ ) . simpl . assert ( ne : neg ( paths ( w t ) ( w t' ) ) ) . apply ( negf ( invmaponpathsweq w _ _ ) nett' ) . apply ( pathsfuntransposofnet1t2 t ( w t ) is _ ( w t' ) netwt' ne ) .

assert ( efg : forall xw : _ , paths ( f ( g xw ) ) xw ) . intro . induction xw as [ x w ] . induction x as [ t' is' ] . simpl in w . apply pathsdirprod .

apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1isolated _ ) ) . simpl . unfold recompl . unfold coprodf . unfold invmap . simpl . unfold invrecompl . induction ( is t ) as [ ett | nett ] . apply pathsfuntransposoft1 . induction ( nett ( idpath _ ) ) .

simpl . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1weq _ _ ) _ _ ) . apply funextfun . intro x . induction x as [ x netx ] . unfold g . unfold invcutonweq . simpl .

set ( int := funtranspos ( tpair _ t is ) ( tpair _ t' is' ) (recompl T t (coprodf w (fun x0 : unit => x0) (invmap (weqrecompl T t is) t))) ) .
assert ( eee : paths int t' ) . unfold int . unfold recompl . unfold coprodf . unfold invmap . simpl . unfold invrecompl . induction ( is t ) as [ ett | nett ] . apply ( pathsfuntransposoft1 ) . induction ( nett ( idpath _ ) ) .

assert ( isint : isisolated _ int ) . rewrite eee . apply is' .

apply ( ishomotinclrecomplf _ _ isint ( funtranspos0 _ _ _ ) _ _ ) . simpl . change ( recomplf int t isint (funtranspos0 int t is) ) with ( funtranspos ( tpair _ int isint ) ( tpair _ t is ) ) .

assert ( ee : paths ( tpair _ int isint) ( tpair _ t' is' ) ) . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1isolated _ ) _ _ ) . simpl . apply eee .

rewrite ee . set ( e := homottranspost2t1t1t2 t t' is is' (recompl T t (coprodf w (fun x0 : unit => x0) (invmap (weqrecompl T t is) x))) ) . unfold funcomp in e . unfold idfun in e . rewrite e . unfold recompl . unfold coprodf . unfold invmap . simpl . unfold invrecompl . induction ( is x ) as [ etx | netx' ] . induction ( netx etx ) . apply ( maponpaths ( @pr1 _ _ ) ) . apply ( maponpaths w ) . apply ( invmaponpathsincl _ ( isinclpr1compl _ _ ) _ _ ) . simpl . apply idpath .

apply ( gradth _ _ egf efg ) . Defined .