Library uu0

Univalent Basics.

Vladimir Voevodsky. Feb. 2010 - Sep. 2011.
This file contains results which form a basis of the univalent approach and which do not require the use of universes as types. Fixpoints with values in a universe are used only once in the definition isofhlevel . Many results in this file do not require any axioms. The first axiom we use is funextempty which is the functional extensionality axiom for functions with values in the empty type. Closer to the end of the file we use general functional extensionality funextfunax asserting that two homotopic functions are equal. Since funextfunax itself is not an "axiom" in our sense i.e. its type is not of h-level 1 we show that it is logically equivalent to a real axiom funcontr which asserts that the space of sections of a family with contractible fibers is contractible.

Require Export uu0d.