Library sSet

Homotopy theory of simplicial sets.

Vladimir Voevodsky
started on Nov. 22, 2014 (with Alexander Vishik)

Unset Automatic Introduction.

Require Export Foundations.hlevel2.finitesets.
Require Export RezkCompletion.precategories.
Require Export RezkCompletion.category_hset.
Require Export RezkCompletion.functors_transformations.

Definition monfunstn ( n m : nat ) : UU := total2 ( fun f : stn n -> stn m =>
                                                       forall ( x y : stn n ) ( is : x < y ) ,
                                                         f x < f y ) .
Definition monfunstnpair { n m : nat } := tpair ( fun f : stn n -> stn m =>
                                                       forall ( x y : stn n ) ( is : x < y ) ,
                                                         f x < f y ) .

Definition monfunstnpr1 ( n m : nat ) : monfunstn n m -> ( stn n -> stn m ) := pr1 .
Coercion monfunstnpr1 : monfunstn >-> Funclass .

Lemma isasetmonfunstn ( n m : nat ) : isaset ( monfunstn n m ) .
  intros . apply ( isofhleveltotal2 2 ) .
  apply impred .
  intro . apply isasetstn .
  intro f . apply impred . intro . apply impred . intro . apply impred . intro .
  apply isasetaprop.
  exact ( pr2 ( f t < f t0 ) ) .

Definition monfunstncomp { n m k : nat } ( f : monfunstn n m ) ( g : monfunstn m k ) :
  monfunstn n k .
  intros . split with ( funcomp f g ) . intros . unfold funcomp . apply ( pr2 g ) .
  apply ( pr2 f ) . apply is .

Lemma monfunstncompassoc { n m k l } ( f : monfunstn n m ) ( g : monfunstn m k )
      ( h : monfunstn k l ) : ( monfunstncomp f ( monfunstncomp g h ) ) =
                               ( monfunstncomp ( monfunstncomp f g ) h ) .
  intros . apply idpath .

Definition monfunstnid ( n : nat ) : monfunstn n n :=
  monfunstnpair ( idfun ( stn n ) ) ( fun x : stn n => fun y : stn n => fun is : x < y => is ) .

Lemma monfunstncompidr { n m : nat } ( f : monfunstn n m ) : ( monfunstncomp f ( monfunstnid m ) )
                                                             = f .
  intros . unfold monfunstnid . unfold monfunstncomp. unfold funcomp . simpl .
  induction f as [ f isf ] . apply idpath .

Lemma monfunstncompidl { n m : nat } ( f : monfunstn n m ) : ( monfunstncomp ( monfunstnid n ) f )
                                                             = f .
  intros . unfold monfunstnid . unfold monfunstncomp. unfold funcomp . simpl .
  induction f as [ f isf ] . apply idpath .

Definition precatDelta : precategory .
  refine ( tpair _ _ _ ) .
  refine ( tpair _ _ _ ) .
  refine ( tpair _ _ _ ) .
  exact nat .
  intros n m . split with ( monfunstn n m ) . apply isasetmonfunstn .
  refine ( tpair _ _ _ ) .
  intros . simpl in * . apply monfunstnid .
  intros ? ? ? f g . simpl in * . apply ( monfunstncomp f g ) .
  simpl .
  refine ( tpair _ _ _ ) .
  refine ( tpair _ _ _ ) .
  intros . simpl in * . apply monfunstncompidl .
  intros . simpl in * . apply monfunstncompidr .
  intros . simpl in * . apply monfunstncompassoc .

Definition sSet := [ precatDelta , HSET ] .