\def\cprime{$'$} \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{VV36} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i}. \newblock {G}alois group {${G}al(\bar{\bf {Q}}/{\bf {Q}})$} and {T}eihmuller modular groups. \newblock In {\em Proc. Conf. Constr. Methods and Alg. Number Theory}, Minsk, 1989. \bibitem{ShV2} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i} and G.~B. Shabat. \newblock Equilateral triangulations of {R}iemann surfaces, and curves over algebraic number fields. \newblock {\em Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR}, 304(2):265--268, 1989. \bibitem{ShV1} G.~B. Shabat and V.~A. Voevodsky. \newblock Drawing curves over number fields. \newblock In {\em The {G}rothendieck {F}estschrift, {V}ol.\ {III}}, volume~88 of {\em Progr. Math.}, pages 199--227. Birkh\"auser Boston, Boston, MA, 1990. \bibitem{VV34} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i}. \newblock \'{E}tale topologies of schemes over fields of finite type over {${\bf Q}$}. \newblock {\em Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.}, 54(6):1155--1167, 1990. \bibitem{VV35} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i}. \newblock Flags and {G}rothendieck cartographical group in higher dimensions. \newblock {\em CSTARCI Math. Preprints}, (05-90), 1990. \bibitem{VV37} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i}. \newblock Triangulations of oriented manifolds and ramified coverings of sphere (in {R}ussian). \newblock In {\em Proc. Conf. of Young Scientists}. Moscow Univ. Press, 1990. \bibitem{KV6} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i} and M.~M. Kapranov. \newblock {$\infty$}-groupoids as a model for a homotopy category. \newblock {\em Uspekhi Mat. Nauk}, 45(5(275)):183--184, 1990. \bibitem{KV7} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i} and M.~M. Kapranov. \newblock Multidimensional categories (in {R}ussian). \newblock In {\em Proc. Conf. of Young Scientists}. Moscow Univ. Press, 1990. \bibitem{ShV3} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i} and G.~B. Shabat. \newblock Piece-wise euclidean approximation of {J}acobians of algebraic curves. \newblock {\em CSTARCI Math. Preprints}, (01-90), 1990. \bibitem{KV4} M.~M. Kapranov and V.~A. Voevodsky. \newblock Combinatorial-geometric aspects of polycategory theory: pasting schemes and higher {B}ruhat orders (list of results). \newblock {\em Cahiers Topologie G\'eom. Diff\'erentielle Cat\'eg.}, 32(1):11--27, 1991. \newblock International Category Theory Meeting (Bangor, 1989 and Cambridge, 1990). \bibitem{KV3} M.~M. Kapranov and V.~A. Voevodsky. \newblock {$\infty$}-groupoids and homotopy types. \newblock {\em Cahiers Topologie G\'eom. Diff\'erentielle Cat\'eg.}, 32(1):29--46, 1991. \newblock International Category Theory Meeting (Bangor, 1989 and Cambridge, 1990). \bibitem{VV32} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i}. \newblock Galois groups of function fields over fields of finite type over {${\bf Q}$}. \newblock {\em Uspekhi Mat. Nauk}, 46(5(281)):163--164, 1991. \bibitem{VV33} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i}. \newblock Galois representations connected with hyperbolic curves. \newblock {\em Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.}, 55(6):1331--1342, 1991. \bibitem{KV5} V.~A. Voevodski{\u\i} and M.~M. Kapranov. \newblock The free {$n$}-category generated by a cube, oriented matroids and higher {B}ruhat orders. \newblock {\em Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen.}, 25(1):62--65, 1991. \bibitem{Sasha} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Letter to {A.B}eilinson. \newblock {\em www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/33}, 1993. \bibitem{KV2} M.~Kapranov and V.~Voevodsky. \newblock Braided monoidal {$2$}-categories and {M}anin-{S}chechtman higher braid groups. \newblock {\em J. Pure Appl. Algebra}, 92(3):241--267, 1994. \bibitem{KV1} M.~M. Kapranov and V.~A. Voevodsky. \newblock {$2$}-categories and {Z}amolodchikov tetrahedra equations. \newblock In {\em Algebraic groups and their generalizations: quantum and infinite-dimensional methods ({U}niversity {P}ark, {PA}, 1991)}, volume~56 of {\em Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, pages 177--259. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1994. \bibitem{VV31} V.~Voevodsky. \newblock A nilpotence theorem for cycles algebraically equivalent to zero. \newblock {\em Internat. Math. Res. Notices}, (4):187--198 (electronic), 1995. \bibitem{MC0} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock {B}loch-{K}ato conjecture for $\zz/2$-coefficients and algebraic {M}orava ${K}$-theories. \newblock {\em www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/76}, 1995. \bibitem{SusVoe} Andrei Suslin and Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Singular homology of abstract algebraic varieties. \newblock {\em Invent. Math.}, 123(1):61--94, 1996. \bibitem{H1} V.~Voevodsky. \newblock Homology of schemes. \newblock {\em Selecta Math. (N.S.)}, 2(1):111--153, 1996. \bibitem{MC.Bonn} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock The {M}ilnor {C}onjecture. \newblock {\em MPIM Preprint}, 1996. \bibitem{talk} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock {$\bold A\sp 1$}-homotopy theory. \newblock In {\em Proceedings of the {I}nternational {C}ongress of {M}athematicians, {V}ol. {I} ({B}erlin, 1998)}, number Extra Vol. I, pages 579--604 (electronic), 1998. \bibitem{MoVo} Fabien Morel and Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock {${\bf A}\sp 1$}-homotopy theory of schemes. \newblock {\em Inst. Hautes \'Etudes Sci. Publ. Math.}, (90):45--143 (2001), 1999. \bibitem{VV30} V.~Voevodsky. \newblock Voevodsky's {S}eattle lectures: {$K$}-theory and motivic cohomology. \newblock In {\em Algebraic {$K$}-theory ({S}eattle, {WA}, 1997)}, volume~67 of {\em Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.}, pages 283--303. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999. \newblock Notes by C. Weibel. \bibitem{collection.intro} Eric~M. Friedlander, A.~Suslin, and V.~Voevodsky. \newblock Introduction. \newblock In {\em Cycles, transfers, and motivic homology theories}, volume 143 of {\em Ann. of Math. Stud.}, pages 3--9. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2000. \bibitem{F-Vnew} Eric~M. Friedlander and Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Bivariant cycle cohomology. \newblock In {\em Cycles, transfers, and motivic homology theories}, volume 143 of {\em Ann. of Math. Stud.}, pages 138--187. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2000. \bibitem{SusVoe3} Andrei Suslin and Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Bloch-{K}ato conjecture and motivic cohomology with finite coefficients. \newblock In {\em The arithmetic and geometry of algebraic cycles ({B}anff, {AB}, 1998)}, volume 548 of {\em NATO Sci. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci.}, pages 117--189. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2000. \bibitem{SusVoe2new} Andrei Suslin and Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Relative cycles and {C}how sheaves. \newblock In {\em Cycles, transfers, and motivic homology theories}, volume 143 of {\em Ann. of Math. Stud.}, pages 10--86. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2000. \bibitem{H2new} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Cohomological theory of presheaves with transfers. \newblock In {\em Cycles, transfers, and motivic homology theories}, volume 143 of {\em Ann. of Math. Stud.}, pages 87--137. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2000. \bibitem{H3new} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Triangulated categories of motives over a field. \newblock In {\em Cycles, transfers, and motivic homology theories}, volume 143 of {\em Ann. of Math. Stud.}, pages 188--238. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2000. \bibitem{delnotes} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Lectures on motivic cohomology 2000/2001 (written by {P}ierre {D}eligne). \newblock {\em www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/527 (see also {\rm \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.4436}})}, 2000/2001. \bibitem{comparison} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Motivic cohomology groups are isomorphic to higher {C}how groups in any characteristic. \newblock {\em Int. Math. Res. Not.}, (7):351--355, 2002. \bibitem{open} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Open problems in the motivic stable homotopy theory. {I}. \newblock In {\em Motives, polylogarithms and {H}odge theory, {P}art {I} ({I}rvine, {CA}, 1998)}, volume~3 of {\em Int. Press Lect. Ser.}, pages 3--34. Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2002. \bibitem{newapproach} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock A possible new approach to the motivic spectral sequence for algebraic {$K$}-theory. \newblock In {\em Recent progress in homotopy theory (Baltimore, MD, 2000)}, volume 293 of {\em Contemp. Math.}, pages 371--379. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002. \bibitem{MCpub} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Motivic cohomology with {${\bf Z}/2$}-coefficients. \newblock {\em Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes \'Etudes Sci.}, (98):59--104, 2003. \bibitem{Redpub} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Reduced power operations in motivic cohomology. \newblock {\em Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes \'Etudes Sci.}, (98):1--57, 2003. \bibitem{zslicepub} V.~Voevodsky. \newblock On the zero slice of the sphere spectrum. \newblock {\em Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova}, 246(Algebr. Geom. Metody, Svyazi i Prilozh.):106--115, 2004. \bibitem{MVWart} Carlo Mazza, Vladimir Voevodsky, and Charles Weibel. \newblock Lecture notes on motivic cohomology. \newblock 2:xiv+216, 2006. \bibitem{OVV} D.~Orlov, A.~Vishik, and V.~Voevodsky. \newblock An exact sequence for {$K\sp M\sb \ast/2$} with applications to quadratic forms. \newblock {\em Ann. of Math. (2)}, 165(1):1--13, 2007. \bibitem{VV29} Vladimir Voevodsky, Oliver R{\"o}ndigs, and Paul~Arne {\O}stv{\ae}r. \newblock Voevodsky's {N}ordfjordeid lectures: motivic homotopy theory. \newblock In {\em Motivic homotopy theory}, Universitext, pages 147--221. Springer, Berlin, 2007. \bibitem{motcohsub} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock On motivic cohomology with $\zz/l$-coefficients. \newblock {\em To appear in Annals of Mathematics (see also {\rm \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.4430}})}, 2009. \bibitem{SRFsub} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Simplicial radditive functors. \newblock {\em To appear in Journal of K-theory (see also {\rm \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.4434}})}, 2009. \bibitem{cancellationsub} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Cancellation theorem. \newblock {\em To appear in Documenta Mathematica (see also {\rm \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0202012}})}, 2010. \bibitem{HH1sub} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Homotopy theory of simplicial sheaves in completely decomposable topologies. \newblock {\em J. Pure Appl. Alg. (see also {\rm \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.4578}})}, 214:1384--1398, 2010. \bibitem{oversub} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Motives over simplicial schemes. \newblock {\em To appear in Journal of K-theory (see also {\rm \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.4431}})}, 2010. \bibitem{Red2sub} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Motivic {E}ilenberg-{M}aclane spaces. \newblock {\em To appear in Publ. IHES (see also {\rm \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.4432}})}, 2010. \bibitem{HH2sub} Vladimir Voevodsky. \newblock Unstable motivic homotopy categories in {N}isnevich and cdh-topologies. \newblock {\em J. Pure Appl. Alg. (see also {\rm \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.4576}})}, 214:1399--1406, 2010. \end{thebibliography}