Mark Goresky's Lecture Notes

Introduction to Perverse Sheaves

Course notes

Primer on Sheaves

PDF file

Fundamental Lemma and Springer fibers: Slides from a talk at IAS Nov. 2006

PDF file (90K)

Compactifications of modular varieties (lecture notes for Clay Mathematics Institute summer school on harmonic analysis, trace formula, and Shimura varieties)

PDF file (360K)

Langlands' conjectures for Physicists

PDF file (204K)

Shift registers (transparencies of a lecture given in Ann Arbor March 2004)

PDF file (80K)

The Diaconis Mindreader (transparencies for a lecture given in Stockholm, on the occasion of A. Bjorner's sixtieth birthday)

PDF file (90K)

Arithmetic Correlations (transparencies for a lecture at SETA08, in Lexington KY)

PDF file